Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Jared Green | Board Chair
Robert W. Mullen | Vice Chair
Delores Rubin | Vice Chair
Joseph Mizzi | Vice Chair & Treasurer
Carlo Scissura | Nominating & Governance Chair
Susan Hayes | Development Chair
Charlie Avolio | Development Chair
James E. Frankel | General Counsel
Board of Directors with Company Affiliations
Charlie Avolio | Shawmut Design & Construction
Sara Baerwald | Blondie’s Treehouse, Inc.
Sarah Berman | The Berman Group, Inc.
Laura Bush | Consigli
A. Christopher Cerino, PE | STV, Inc.
Carrie Cremin | AKF
Stephen DeSimone | DeSimone Consulting Engineers
John Evangelista | Skanska USA Building
James E. Frankel | Thompson Hine LLP
Sara Francini | Skanska USA Building
Leonard Fusco, AIA | GF55 Partners
Oneil Gayle | Loring Consulting Engineers, Inc
John Gasparine, AICP | WSP USA Inc.
Brennan Gilbane Koch | Gilbane Building Company
Alexandra Gore | WSP USA Inc.
Jared M. Green, PE, D.GE | Langan
Ronnie Hakim | HNTB Corporation
Susan Hayes | Susan Hayes Enterprises
Eric Hirani | Infinite Consulting Corp.
Sara Kendall | Turner Construction
Joseph Lauro, AIA | Gensler
Nicholas Leahy | Perkins Eastman
Jill N. Lerner, FAIA | Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, PC
Elizabeth Leslie | BXP
Chen-Huan Liao | RAMSA
Val Loh | Syska Hennessy Group
Nahomie Louis | Accenture
Melanie Mac | NYC Public Schools
Douglas Mass | Cosentini Associates, Inc.
Amy Meichner | Brookfield Properties
Joseph Mizzi | Sciame Construction, LLC
Catherine Moss | ADCO Electrical Corp.
Robert W. Mullen | Structure Tone, Inc.
Mysore L. Nagaraja | Mysore Nagaraja Consulting, LLC
Dana Panzarino | VVA Project & Cost Managers
Carol J. Patterson | Zetlin & De Chiara, LLP
Elroy L. Pierre | CNY Group
Tod Rittenhouse, PE | Thornton Tomasetti
Deborah Romano | CBRE
Rani Roy | Manhattan College
Delores Rubin | Deutsche Bank
Carlo Scissura | New York Building Congress
Sara Steele | Silman
Robert Vecchio, Ph.D., PE | Socotec Engineering, Inc
Maria Wilpon, AIA | DLR Group